Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda What is Black Art? - Alice Correia

What is Black Art? - Alice Correia

13.78 €

A landmark anthology on British art history, bringing together overlooked and marginalized perspectives from 'the critical decade' What is Black art? This vital anthology gives voice to a generation of artists of African, Asian and Caribbean heritage who worked within and against British art institutions in the 1980s, including Sonia Boyce, Lubaina Himid, Eddie Chambers and Rasheed Araeen. It brings together artists' statements, interviews, exhibition catalogue essays and reviews, most of which have been unavailable for many years and resonate profoundly today. Together they interrogate the term 'Black art' itself, and revive a forgotten dialogue from a time when men and women who had been marginalized made themselves heard within the art world and beyond.

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