Beletria - ostatné Visszafelé mesélve - Tasev Norbert

Visszafelé mesélve - Tasev Norbert

4.77 €

Lilla, a shy, shy teenage girl, dyes her hair purple and falls for the best-looking boy in school, who cheats on her. The dialogue between two ambulance officers reveals their dissatisfaction with health care and their own jobs. A couple of Arab descent ask their neighbour for help in boosting the self-confidence and equal opportunities of their children. A rebellious, feisty girl has a fatal falling out with her father, who dies unexpectedly, while the teenage girl faces the difficulties of starting a new life. A bricklayer entrepreneur decides to try to find a job in Angola, and he and his best friend struggle to survive the struggles of everyday life. A sporty mother of two, she feels unable to find herself while having everything. A teacher reconnects with her childhood nemesis, whose children she teaches. A man's feet fall out from under him and he contemplates a suicide attempt, but by a stroke of luck he falls in love and changes his life. She digs into a man's memories and wants to change her present. A man and a woman break up, and the man visits his old classmate in England for support. A bride unexpectedly changes her mind on her wedding day and decides to follow her heart! A young woman calls her best friend because she can't find her place in the world. The reader is almost woken up by the story of diverse characters and life situations.

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