V cudzom jazyku Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything - Sam Copeland

Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything - Sam Copeland

9.45 €

The hilarious and moving new book from funny fiction superstar Sam Copeland, author of the bestselling Charlie Changes Into a Chicken. Uma Gnudersonn has a head full of questions: How can I save my home from being sold? Will my dad ever start talking again? And how do alpacas get drunk? But since her mum died, Uma's life has been short on answers. Then she finds a genius artificial intelligence called Athena who knows everything. Suddenly Uma has the answer to any question she can imagine - from the capital of Mozambique to the colour of her headteacher's underpants - and she's going to use them to save her home and her father. Along the way, Uma will have to confront the sinister inventor who will stop at nothing to get Athena back - and face up to the fact that not all questions have answers

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