Výchova, cvičenie a hry s deťmi There Are Mums Way Worse Than You - Glenn Boozan,Priscilla Witte

There Are Mums Way Worse Than You - Glenn Boozan,Priscilla Witte

16.1 €

A hilarious and reassuring gift for every mum: because we’re all doing the best we can, and the natural world is filled with mums worse than you! A giraffe mum is pretty nice until the fetus drops. She’ll birth a newborn baby calf, then kick him ’til he walks. Whenever you feel guilty that you haven’t cleaned the house: Sexton beetles raise their kids in a decomposing mouse. A koala mum will feed her kids her own poop. Yes, poop. Panda mums will abandon one twin because raising two is, well, just too much. And every now and then a cuddly little hamster mum will—yup—eat her newborn pups. These and other true facts from the animal kingdom offer a hilarious reality check on what constitutes “good parenting.” So, human mother, time to stop worrying about the job you're doing—because you’re a great mum.

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