Cudzojazyčná literatúra The wings of virtue - Juraj Poništ

The wings of virtue - Juraj Poništ

4 €

Agal’s desire to save his mother rushes him to the Dead Woods. However, he is yet to find the fate that awaits him during his unicorn hunt. Instead of the award for the hunt, he has to face the battle against the dark powers of the wood as well as the battle with his own inner demons. Agal blames himself more than once for the journey he decided to take. Facing his own death, the potter’s son grows into a human being that possesses amazing magical abilities and virtues of the ancient symbols. Nevertheless, the border between the good and bad is too small. It is only Agal himself that can decide whether his newly acquired power will serve a larger purpose or whether the vision of his own power will tragically engulf him.

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