Romantická beletria The Simple Wild - K. A. Tucker

The Simple Wild - K. A. Tucker

12.3 €

Calla Fletcher was two when her mother moved them both from the Alaskan wild to Toronto, leaving their extreme, rural lifestyle - and Calla's father - behind. But when Calla receives a call from her father with unexpected news, she makes the long trip back to the remote town where she was born. There, she meets Jonah: a quiet, brooding, proud Alaskan pilot who is convinced that before long, he will be flying a pampered city girl back to where she belongs. And whilst he is probably right, Calla is determined to prove him wrong. As time passes, Calla forms an undeniable bond with the burly pilot. But Calla is not in Alaska to stay, and Jonah will never leave. It would be foolish of her to kindle a romance, to take the same path her parents tried - and failed at - years ago. It's a simple truth that turns out not to be so simple after all...

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