Svetová beletria The Principle of Hope. High Sensitive Introverted Emotional - Simone Janson

The Principle of Hope. High Sensitive Introverted Emotional - Simone Janson

7.25 €

What this book can do for you: You support certified climate protection projects, get fast compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as in practice tested advice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because especially introverted and highly sensitive people find it difficult to come out of their shell in everyday professional life, to expose and show themselves in the light of the public. But this is indispensable for professional success, because only those who are visible will be noticed by bosses and customers. And finally, every person has something to say. The key to success is self-love, but empathisers often confuse self-care, which is so important, with selfishness. In the end, the following applies: Whoever can love and accept himself can also shine and stand up to others. This book shows how to do this. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.

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