Skutočné príbehy The Nazis Knew My Name - Magda Hellinger,Maya Lee,David Brewster

The Nazis Knew My Name - Magda Hellinger,Maya Lee,David Brewster

12.3 €

The Nazis Knew My Name is one woman's story about the bravery and kindness shown by her mother in the Holocaust concentration camps. In the camps during the Second World War, prisoner Magda Hellinger Blau was selected by the SS as a Jewish prison leader and she eventually rises to the senior position of Lagerälteste (Camp Elder). Madga used her proximity to her fellow prisoners and the SS to engage in numerous acts of kindness, bravery and compassion to keep the prisoners alive in frightening and uncertain circumstances. Now, her daughter Maya Lee tells the definitive story of her mother, a woman who showed great bravery and compassion when stuck between worlds of authority and imprisonment. Using her mother's short memoir as a starting point, this book is Maya Lee's deep-dive into her mother's life and the power of kindness in the face of adversity, as she connects with fellow Auschwitz survivors and forms new friendships throughout her journey. The Nazis Knew My Name is a poignant and personal exploration of the prisoners in the Holocaust camps and the need to still tell these stories almost 70 years on.

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