Svetová beletria The Four Days' Night - White Fred Merrick

The Four Days' Night - White Fred Merrick

0.79 €

Another in the "Doom of London" series, in which the author sounds a clarion call of potential disasters that may fall upon the great city. Here he relates a tale of air pollution. Excerpt:They crawled along through the black suffocating darkness, feeble, languid, and sweating at every pore. There was a murky closeness in the vitiated atmosphere that seemed to take all the strength and energy away. At any other time the walk to Clarence Terrace would have been a pleasure, now it was a penance. They found their objective after a deal of patience and trouble. Hackness yelled in the doorway. There was a sound of footsteps and Cynthia Grimfern spoke. "Ah, what a relief it is to know that you are all right," she said. "I pictured all sorts of horrors happening to you. Will this never end, Martin?" She cried softly in her distress. Hackness felt for her hand and pressed it tenderly. "We are going to try my great theory," he said. "Eldred is with me, andwe have got Williamson's permission to operate with the aeroplane."

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