Rozprávky The Egg Incident - Ziggy Hanaor,Daisy Wynter

The Egg Incident - Ziggy Hanaor,Daisy Wynter

19.9 €

Remember, Humphrey; never run, never jump, and NEVER. EVER. sit on a wall! Humphrey’s parents have taught their son to be cautious. Make sure you double knot your shoelaces. Never run. Never jump. And never ever EVER sit on a wall. You remember what happened to your uncle… Humphrey anxiously heeds their advice until the day he bumps into Princess Jean (PJ) in the park. An adventurer through and through, PJ tells him tales of all her antics and mishaps. Humphrey is so engrossed, he doesn’t notice the park is closing. Oh no! How will Humphrey get home? There’s only one way out. OVER. THE. WALL! The Egg Incident is a joyous reversal of the traditional Humpty Dumpty tale of caution that will delight middle-grade readers who are tiptoeing towards independence themselves.

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