Sci-fi a fantasy The Dust Never Settles - Karina Lickorish Quinn

The Dust Never Settles - Karina Lickorish Quinn

13.25 €

'I have seen ghosts. They will not rest. The whispers of the past are all around...' Anais Echeverría is returning to Lima to sell her ancestral home, the notorious 'yellow house' that looms over the sprawling capital below, its history woven into the fabric of the city. But concealed within its walls are spectres from the past that demand her attention, the echoing voices of the family who lived in this grand home, and the injustices on which both the country and the house were built. In Lima, where elapsed time coats every surface like a layer of fine dust, these ghosts will not rest until the sins of the past are atoned for. And, while Anais comes to terms with her history, the present threatens to overwhelm her. Pregnant, nervous and alone, what begins as an uneasy homecoming soon becomes a reckoning with secrets that refuse to stay buried.

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