Sci-fi a fantasy The Causality of Time - Strawthorne Jonnathan

The Causality of Time - Strawthorne Jonnathan

2.32 €

A story, older than time itself. On Earth, it starts in the 12th century BC during the expansionist wars of the Assyrian Empire. Love lost but immortality gained. The main character, Talmido is fighting for the freedom of choice and the liberty of free will. He has the ability to live forever, never get sick or old, and regenerate his tissue if damaged. He flees the Assyrian military apparatus and fights successive battles for freedom while accumulating masses of displaced, desperate, freedom-loving individuals like himself. All of this is happening to a backdrop of alien intelligence and interference. Factions formed to determine whether conscience or chaos coalescence should be the dominant factor, for sentient creation’s character. Vast galactic battles of will play out to the eventual definition of what it is to be alive. The eventual causality of the defining actions of antiquity echo to us as we struggle to maintain the freedoms fought over to either win or lose them on the battlefield, governmental office, or the pulpits of the twenty-first century.

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