Fantasy, upíri Tasting Light: Ten Science Fiction Stories to Rewire Your Perceptions

Tasting Light: Ten Science Fiction Stories to Rewire Your Perceptions

11.35 €

A mind-bending science fiction anthology from ten top YA authors perfect for fans of Black Mirror, Lauren James and Femi Fadugba's The Upper World. >> "Unique, brilliant, and brimming with hope." BuzzFeed >> "Joyfully queer and diverse, this is a jump forward into a bright and colourful world." Lauren James, author of The Loneliest Girl in the Universe Imagine a world where robots with human consciousness roam the earth; a society where you can change everything about how you look, sound and interact, and even inherit a voice from the dead; and a universe where a city in space can be destroyed with a kiss... In stories buzzing with possibility, hope, innovation, anger and tenderness, ten top YA authors imagine what the world could be through the lens of technologies emerging today. Tasting Light is a dazzling challenge to open your mind, heart and senses, and rewire your perceptions. With stories by: William Alexander, K. Ancrum, Elizabeth Bear, A.R. Capetta, Charlotte Nicole Davis, Nasugraq Rainey Hopson, A.S. King, E.C. Myers, Junauda Petrus-Nasah and Wendy Xu

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