Manga Sweat and Soap 1 - Kintetsu Yamada

Sweat and Soap 1 - Kintetsu Yamada

12.3 €

In an office romance, there's a fine line between sexy and awkward... and that line is where Asako — a woman who sweats copiusly — met Koutarou — a perfume developer who can't get enough of Asako's, er, scent. Don't miss a romcom manga like no other! HEAVEN SCENT Asako's living her dream, working at the toiletry maker Liliadrop. But she has a secret: The reason she loves the company so much is that she's ashamed of her body odor, and their soap is the only thing that's ever helped her. So when the company's lead product developer, a perfuming genius, approaches her in the lobby and wonders what "that smell" is, she's terrified—but could it be that he likes it? That he likes her? And most surprising of all, she might just like him back...

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