Ezoterika - ostatné Surreal Love - Nehemia Gila

Surreal Love - Nehemia Gila

0.77 €

Surreal Love is Gila’s first poetry book emerging from her womb space. Poems dive into her loving heart and trusting soul. Writing her mystical poems helped her find her voice and heal her pain of heartbreak and loss. Each poem takes you through vivid images, sensations, and feelings. Gila’s lyrical awakening words speak to anyone believing, fantasizing, and relishing soulful, sacred love and sexuality. Join her in an adventure to unearth the deepest yearnings of the heart to great spiritual heights. Infinite Love Closing my eyes and I feel your energy piercing through meCovering my hands with my faceAllowing your frequency to encompass my spirit, my auraEnveloping me like a cloak, safe, secure, and deliciously seductiveYou see through me into my heart and soulMoving beyond time and spaceSensing I am on another planet with youA galaxy far, far, awayCalling me nowMy heart is exploding, my body tremblingAnticipating your soft, electric touch on my skinYour passionate lips touching mineYour music igniting, vibrating every cell in my bodyInto the infinite Oneness, the zero-point field

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