Učebnice a príručky Real Life Global Upper Intermediate Students Book - Jonathan Bygrave,Sarah Cunningham

Real Life Global Upper Intermediate Students Book - Jonathan Bygrave,Sarah Cunningham

20.12 €

*Interesting and relevant topics teenagers relate to *Real Time photo story with related exercises using functional language, real contexts and situations *Words2know provide clear focus on vocabulary and make revision easier. Also recorded on class CD and Skills Multi-ROM *Grammar2know with rules of meaning and give focus * Grammar input lessons with Grammar Focus * Functional and situational language in Phrases2know * Wide range of listening including exam task types *Reading strategieswith skills such as skimming, scanning, predicting meaning from context * Emphasis on exam task types *Quizzes that encourage students to give opinions and personal views * Students encouraged to give opinions on issues that relate to them *Active Study sections develop awareness of lexical features *Mini Workbookat the back of the Students' Book *The back cover flap of the Students' Book provides study tips for exam tasks

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