Svetová beletria Out of the Hamster Wheel - Simone Janson

Out of the Hamster Wheel - Simone Janson

7.25 €

What this book can do for you: You support certified climate protection projects, receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because who hasn't dreamt of breaking out of the daily work routine and letting go of the constant overload? After all, the ever faster advancing digital development and the increasing pressure to perform and succeed takes its toll on all of us. However, a total break-out, such as a trip around the world, is not always sensible or even possible. But the good news is that everyone can significantly reduce their daily workload with simple methods and thus break out of the stress spiral in their everyday work. This book shows how to live according to the motto "less is more", to organize oneself accordingly and thus to change job and private life in the long term. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.

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