Manažment No Bullsh*t Change - Chris Hirst

No Bullsh*t Change - Chris Hirst

18.95 €

Nothing stays the same. The only constant we now face is change, and the demand for those who can grasp its opportunities has never been greater. Organisations today must learn to continuously adapt - and adapt faster than their competition. It is this that will drive them forward and it is this that is the modern leader's greatest challenge. Despite what we're told, leading change is not a secret knowledge available only to a chosen few. This book cuts through the bullsh*t to enable everybody to do it and do it well. Drawing on over a decade of experience leading successful change programmes around the world, Chris Hirst cuts through the unworkable guff to reveal his uncomplicated, proven strategies for team, organisational and cultural transformation. For everybody, from leaders of small teams to global enterprises, this book will transform how you lead, your results and the careers of those who work with you.

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