Biznis a kariéra New Laws for Winners - Simone Janson

New Laws for Winners - Simone Janson

7.31 €

This is what this book brings you: you support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because only those who manage to permanently achieve a high income will also have long-term success. There are several ways to do this, which can be briefly described as negotiating, selling and investing. Working well and regularly negotiating a higher salary is a good basis for this. Step two is to get into eCommerce and sell products. And finally, the option to generate passive income by investing money and making it work for you. But unfortunately, few people really know much about investing and opinions about proper financial planning are as many as there are experts. So if you want to earn money on the side, you would do well not to lose track in the jungle of financial products between stock trading with individual stocks, ETF and index funds, gold, real estate and so on. Therefore, it makes sense to deal with one's own asset planning in more detail; after all, savings and thus retirement provisions, which are important for retirement, are only destroyed by inflation. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.

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