Národná kuchyňa - ostatné New European Baking - Laurel Kratochvila

New European Baking - Laurel Kratochvila

32.25 €

Just like many pandemic-driven Americans, Europeans are turning on their ovens and rediscovering their roots through baking. This collection of nearly one hundred recipes is presented with elegant yet friendly flair by Laurel Kratochvila, an American-born, boulangerie-trained baker with her own Jewish bakery and bagel shop in Berlin. Each chapter is dedicated to a certain kind of baked product-breads, brioches and enriched doughs, viennoiseries and laminated pastries, tartes and biscuits-and includes foundational recipes and time-honored techniques for dough-shaping, fermentation, seasoning, and fillings. Sprinkled throughout the book are profiles introducing readers to eleven other European bakers who are turning out delicious pastries and breads that reflect the cultural heritage of their home cities of Paris, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Madrid, London, and Lisbon. Recipes such as Baltic rye bread, toasted sesame challah, elderflower maritozzi, honey and fig tropezienne, lamb and fennel sausage rolls, soft pretzels, and spicy ginger caramel shortbreads combine Old World traditions with twenty-first century flavors. Filled with luscious photography, and suitable for bakers at every level of experience, this sophisticated yet accessible guide to home baking is crammed with centuries of European history.

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