Ezoterika - ostatné Mind-Space-Method - Kata Trom

Mind-Space-Method - Kata Trom

12.08 €

MIND-SPACE-METHOD fills a gap in today's demand since it does not fall into line with albums created by mainstream international authors that introduce us to current trends in interior design and furnishing. By invoking our spirit it offers a new context for our feelings and ideas about our home. It addresses those who feel the need for a new direction to take besides (or instead of) the standard, materialistic way of thought, and are open to such proposals. The book has been written in an accessible, easily adoptable style. Besides giving a strong theoretical background, it touches upon critical energetical dimensions as well, while providing practical advice and creative ideas connected to home-making. It inspires the readers to think for themselves, thus deepening their self-reflection and encouraging them to create their own MIND-SPACE-METHOD. The book introduces a new concept to the world of literature on homes and interior design.

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