Slovenské a české dejiny Lost City - Stratené mesto - Zuzana Ševčíková

Lost City - Stratené mesto - Zuzana Ševčíková

18.91 €

Bratislava Pozsony Pressburg was a multi-ethnic, multicultural, multilingual and multi-religious city. Hungarian, German, Yiddish, Slovak and Czech cultural communities lived here side by side at times, and so did the Christian religion and Judaism. The 20th century was marked by anexpulsion of various group softhecity'sinhabitants, but also by anerasure of the popular memory of those who could remain, and a by search for a method to conceal the past from the coming generations, those born after the Second World War, once and forall. The city's new population, consisting of people who moved here from other Slovak towns or the countryside in search of work or a career, no longer carried memories of the European tradition of the city. It is forthis reason that they were greeted warmly by thenewly empowered. This virtual guide to the no longer existent extramural city (Podhradie) willaidus in recalling a now 'Lost City', demolishedentirely in the 1960s. Bratislava is known in the Jewish world as the city of the ChatamSofer; his grave site is visited by Jews from all around the world. In 2012, Bratislava commemoratedthe 250th anniversary of the birth of this exceptional rabbi.

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