Sci-fi a fantasy

Byznys a politika je třaskavá kombinace. V okamžiku, kdy hromada...
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Třináct set bran otevřelo lidem hvězdné soustavy v celém vesmíru....
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"...What's, going on. Halter, what kind of joke is this!!" Naoto...
7.97 €
A week after the first nightmare, Shun begs his classmates not to...
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Even if he has his closest friends on his side now, no one else seems...
7.97 €
After Shun’s update doesn’t go as planned, he finds that the rules...
7.97 €
Shun and his friends may have fled the Jailhouse, but now that the...
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–I know this is sudden, but the world had already collapsed long...
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The Earth had died, and its entirety had been reconstructed with...
7.97 €
“—Are you telling me that it’s an enormous electromagnet?!” In the...
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Lidstvo stojí znovu na rozcestí. Od doby, kdy Elijáš Baley vyře­šil...
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Vstoupíte-li, odhoďte naděje. Zhasnou obrazovky, oslepnou monitory,...
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Lidstvo je na pokraji katastrofy. Elijáš Baley se při řešení svého...
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Na Ganymedu, obilnici vnějších planet, je příslušnice Marťanské vesmírné...
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Elijáš Baley je detektivem na Zemi. Když dostane příkaz vyšetřovat...
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Vítejte v budoucnosti. Lidstvo osídlilo sluneční soustavu, ale ke...
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Po úspěšném objasnění vraždy Vesmířana na Zemi je Elijáš Baley požádán,...
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"I'll do what I have to. I'll do it. Now."Gritting his teeth, and...
7.93 €