Dráma, divadelné hry, scenáre

Úspešná divadelná hra známeho národopisca a fotografa Pavla Socháňa,...
2.99 €
Nájdené nemanželské dieťa výrazne zasiahne do volieb župana. Veselohru,...
3.45 €
Veršovaná tragédia anglického dramatika Williama Shakespearea inšpirovala...
3.45 €
Že vraj Trasoritka! „Nuž a potom?“ — To je urážlivé meno. — „A vrana,...
3.99 €
Chalupkova druhá hra s témou Kocúrkova. Zo všetkých kocúrkovských...
3.99 €
Oscar Wilde’s first play confronts the hypocrisy of public ‘morality’...
8 €
Audiobook The Importance of Being Earnest written by Oscar Wilde....
8 €
Hedda Gabler, a deceased General’s daughter, marries dull George...
8 €
Audiobook Waiting for Godot. Samuel Beckett, one of the great avant-garde...
8 €
This new translation of the great classic of Ancient Greece starts...
8 €
Audiobook Death of a Salesman written by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller’s...
8 €
Audiobook by T. S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral is both a fascinating...
8 €
Audiobook Pygmalion written by George Bernard Shaw remains one of...
10.5 €
Faust is one of the pillars of Western literature. This classic drama...
12.5 €