Prvý nový štúdiový album od Jethro Tull po takmer 20 rokoch pod vedením legendárneho Iana Andersona! S viac ako 30 albumami a viac ako 50 miliónmi predajov sú Jethro Tull jednou z najúspešnejších rockových skupín všetkých čias s katalógom, ktorý obsahuje klasiky, ktoré rezonujú dodnes. Luxusný biely 3LP+2CD+Blu-Ray Artbook obsahuje bonusový demo materiál, 5.1 Surround Sound Mix, gramofónovú podložku, ručne číslovanú tlač a rozsiahle poznámky, všetko v pevnej väzbe. Tracklist: 1. Mrs Tibbets 2. Jacob's Tales 3. Mine Is The Mountain 4. The Zealot Gene 5. Shoshana Sleeping 6. Sad City Sisters 1. Barren Beth, Wild Desert John 2. The Betrayal Of Joshua Kynde 3. Where Did Saturday Go? 4. Three Loves, Three 5. In Brief Visitation 6. The Fisherman Of Ephesus 1. Mrs Tibbets (rough Demo) 2. Mine Is The Mountain (rough Demo) 3. The Zealot Gene (rough Demo) 4. Shoshana Sleeping (rough Demo) 5. Barren Beth, Wild Desert John (rough Demo) 6. The Betrayal Of Joshua Kynde (rough Demo) 7. The Fisherman Of Epheseus (rough Demo) 1. Mrs Tibbets 2. Jacob's Tales 3. Mine Is The Mountain 4. The Zealot Gene 5. Shoshana Sleeping 6. Sad City Sisters 7. Barren Beth, Wild Desert John 8. The Betrayal Of Joshua Kynde 9. Where Did Saturday Go? 10. Three Loves, Three 11. In Brief Visitation 12. The Fisherman Of Ephesus 1. Mrs Tibbets (rough Demo) 2. Mine Is The Mountain (rough Demo) 3. The Zealot Gene (rough Demo) 4. Shoshana Sleeping (rough Demo) 5. Barren Beth, Wild Desert John (rough Demo) 6. The Betrayal Of Joshua Kynde (rough Demo) 7. The Fisherman Of Ephesus (rough Demo) 8. Jacob's Tales (initial Idea Demo) 9. Sad City Sisters (initial Idea Demo) 10. Where Did Saturday Go? (initial Idea Demo) 11. Three Loves, Three (initial Idea Demo) 12. In Brief Visitation (initial Idea Demo) 13. She Smells So Sweet (initial Idea Demo) 1. Mrs Tibbets (5.1 Surround Mix) 2. Jacob's Tales (5.1 Surround Mix) 3. Mine Is The Mountain (5.1 Surround Mix) 4. The Zealot Gene (5.1 Surround Mix) 5. Shoshana Sleeping (5.1 Surround Mix) 6. Sad City Sisters (5.1 Surround Mix) 7. Barren Beth, Wild Desert John (5.1 Surround Mix) 8. The Betrayal Of Joshua Kynde (5.1 Surround Mix) 9. Where Did Saturday Go? (5.1 Surround Mix) 10. Three Loves, Three (5.1 Surround Mix) 11. In Brief Visitation (5.1 Surround Mix) 12. The Fisherman Of Ephesus (5.1 Surround Mix)