Svetová beletria Jemina, the Mountain Girl - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Jemina, the Mountain Girl - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

0.79 €

Written circa 1917, and published published much later in "Vanity Fair". It was later first published in book form in Tales of the Jazz Age in 1922.Written, like "Tarquin of Cheapside," while I was at Princeton, this sketch was published years later in "Vanity Fair." For its technique I must apologize to Mr. Stephen Leacock.I have laughed over it a great deal, especially when I first wrote it, but I can laugh over it no longer. Still, as other people tell me it is amusing, I include it here. It seems to me worth preserving a few years—at least until the ennui of changing fashions suppresses me, my books, and it together.

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