Do auta Island 1:150 000 - autoatlas

Island 1:150 000 - autoatlas

37.91 €

The Travel Atlas Iceland 1:150,000 is the ideal companion for anyone who wants to explore Iceland by car or public transport. It can not only be used for planning, but also proves to be an indispensable guide during the trip. With the detailed map image and the exact scale, the entire road network on the island, including the highland roads, can be traced. The Ring Road (Hringvegur) is highlighted with its own road signature and both the Golden Circle (Gullni hringurinn) and the Arctic Coast Way (Nor?urstrandarlei?) are marked as tourist roads. Drivers can extract particularly useful information from the maps, such as road surface, fords (river crossings), rest areas, petrol stations and garages. Caravan drivers and campers will find a useful directory of campsites and pitches. For those travelers who prefer to travel by bus, a general public transport map is available.

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