Fotografia I Wanna Be An Influencer (Bilingual edition) - Nicola Tanzini

I Wanna Be An Influencer (Bilingual edition) - Nicola Tanzini

30.35 €

I wanna be an Influencer is a photographic journey that maps out the new geography of places based on the choices of influencers, a social category that has become an undisputed reference point over the last decade for marketing any type of product, from clothing to cosmetics, travel and new destinations. The author particularly reflects on one of the aspects that characterizes tourism in the time of Instagram. Destinations that are already well-known or completely unknown become sought-after, inducing a mass of aspiring influencers to adopt the same poses and behaviour because and as long as they are Instagrammable. A kaleidoscope of images, taken behind the scenes of a real community that aims for the immediate sharing of experiences in old and new "elsewheres" and of places whose meaning has changed. Unlikely poses and daring shots are captured by the author's attentive and amused eye. The photographs are accompanied by texts by experts in the field (Beatrice Avallone, Vincenzo Nocifora, Benedetta Donato), who analyse a phenomenon of our time, which we witness daily on the social network Instagram.

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