Young adults Forget Me Not - Alyson Derrick

Forget Me Not - Alyson Derrick

12.3 €

What would you do if you forgot the love of your life existed? Stevie and Nora had a love. A secret, epic, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. They also had a plan: to leave their small, ultra-conservative town and families behind after graduation and move to California, where they could finally stop hiding that love. But then Stevie has a terrible fall and the last two years of her life are erased overnight. Suddenly Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn’t quite understand – she’s estranged from her parents, drifting away from her friends and dating a boy she can’t remember crushing on. She’s headed towards a future that isn’t at all what her fifteen-year-old self would have envisioned. And Nora finds herself … forgotten. Can the two find their way back together through a lost memory? A romantic ode to the strength of love and the power of choosing each other, against odds and obstacles, again and again.

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