Biznis a kariéra Flip the Script - Oren Klaff

Flip the Script - Oren Klaff

13.78 €

This book will change the way you think about persuasion, and have you closing deals in no time. These days, it's just not enough to make a great pitch. Over decades of being marketed, pitched, sold (and lied) to, we've grown resistant to sales persuasion. The moment we feel pressured to buy, we pull away. And if we're told what to think, our defences go up. That's why Oren Klaff, bestselling author of Pitch Anything, has devised a new approach to persuasion based on a simple insight: everyone trusts their own ideas. Instead of pushing your idea on your buyer, guide them to discover it on their own and they will get excited about it. They'll buy in and feel good about the chance to work with you. In Flip the Script, Klaff breaks down this insight into a series of actionable steps. You will learn how to: *Achieve Status Alignment: Use a status tip-off, a strategically placed remark that identifies you as an insider who can relate to your client's concerns. *Close the Certainty Gap: Allay your buyer's fears about going into business with you by delivering a flash roll, proving your expertise in the domain. *Present Your Idea as Plain Vanilla: Don't overhype your product as a first-of-its-kind solution. The more you emphasise the familiar, reliable elements of your product, the easier you make it for your buyer to say yes. Packed with examples of the long-shot, often hilarious deals that Klaff has pulled off over the years, Flip the Script is the most entertaining, informative masterclass in dealmaking you'll find anywhere. It will transform your approach to pitching, leaving you fully prepared to raise money, seal deals and keep your cool in the toughest business situations.

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