Ezoterika - ostatné Enneagram - Lyne Silica

Enneagram - Lyne Silica

5.21 €

how to determine someone's Enneagram personality types If you're new to the Enneagram types this class will offer you a brief but concise understanding of what lies at the core of each type, it will also offer famous examples of each type for you to explore. If you're already familiar with any Graham types this class will offer a clear distinction between the types not found in the traditional any Graham material. This will not only help you understand the types at a deeper level, but also offer a more precise way of determining Enneagram type. This class will give you the tools needed to begin exploring the Enneagram types of others as you develop your knowledge and skills in this class and beyond. Keep in mind the two main benefits to learning someone's Enneagram type. Benefits. The first benefit offers insight into how people around you approach life and interact with others. This allows you to gain a better understanding of how to relate to the different types of people in your life. 2. The second benefit allows you to learn about Enneagram type by watching and interacting with people operating from a given type. Your understanding of the types greatly increases when you “bring the types to life” in this way versus simply rea Click th buy botton to Discover your personality today

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