Numerológia Cosmic Numerology - Jenn King

Cosmic Numerology - Jenn King

23.28 €

Numerology has continually fascinated people since ancient times, from Egypt to the Roman Empire, India and Scandinavia. Numbers are a universal language that can help make sense of the seemingly chaotic world we inhabit. Cosmic Numerology is numerology with an extra dimension. Numerologist and astrophile Jenn King pairs mystical mathematics with planetary power so you can tap into deeper levels of self-knowledge, access your talents and enhance your relationships. Chart your cosmic course with the numbers and planets by your side. Each chapter includes a section on making the most of a particular day’s unique energy, as well as plants and oils, meditations, power colours and body zones that enhance a planet’s power. Use this magic manual to tune into the number and planet energies at play in your life, and use this knowledge to maximise the gifts bestowed on you by your birth chart.

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