Domov, zariaďovanie Colour is Home - Charlotte Coote

Colour is Home - Charlotte Coote

37.95 €

With Charlotte Coote's confidence in colour, texture and pattern pairings, a whole new way of approaching design is revealed. In this way, the story of the house can be told. In this gorgeously inspirational and effortlessly practical book, Charlotte guides readers through the process of designing a space, from creating the original design brief through to the finished room. Using her five principles of design - timelessness, authenticity, lifestyle, scale and quality - Charlotte shows how to balance comfort and style, light and shadow, colour and neutrals, old and new. Charlotte's bold and decisive style is like a breath of fresh air, with easy-to-follow tips and ideas for wall colours, kitchen finishes, furniture and fabrics to achieve rich and layered interiors. Colour Is Home is the essential stylebook to create a home that will stand the test of time.

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