Sci-fi a fantasy Beckoning of the Gate - Ryan Benjamin J.

Beckoning of the Gate - Ryan Benjamin J.

5.14 €

The only life Santha Lathagin has ever known has become her prison. Vicious gossip is everywhere. Whispers of a scandal have turned to accusations of murder, and fingers are pointing her way. Feeling powerless and alone, she yearns for escape. When Santha stumbles upon a small, rusted key in the forest near her home, it seems her silent pleas have been answered. Awakened by her touch, the key demands to be heard—and she is not the only one to heed its call. Thrust into a world only glimpsed in the stories of her childhood—of faeries and princes and eldritch magick—Santha sets out to unlock its secrets. But uncovering the truth has its own perils, and as the key’s influence grows, she will be left with a choice: survival or sacrifice. But will it truly be hers to make? … All the while, in the north, something ancient stirs. A great power that could unravel the very threads of existence.

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