Hudba - noty, spevníky, príručky Another Year of Wonder - Clemency Burton-Hill

Another Year of Wonder - Clemency Burton-Hill

18 €

ANOTHER YEAR OF WONDER IS A CAREFULLY CURATED COLLECTION OF CLASSICAL MUSIC OFFERING ONE PIECE TO LISTEN TO EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. WITH A FOREWORD BY ELIZABETH DAY In this follow-up to her much-loved Year of Wonder, award-winning broadcaster, journalist and violinist Clemency Burton-Hill continues her mission to demystify and open up the world of classical music to everyone, offering up one extraordinary piece of music to listen to every day of the year. 'There is no algorithm to this book: it is a thoughtfully curated selection given from one human to another. It is not a history book, or a formal 'guide to classical music'. It is simply from my heart to yours. I have chosen pieces I love, or think historically interesting, or which have some resonance for me personally or in the world. But what matters is what you think; how they make you feel as you listen. I hope that you will fall in love with most of them, or at least be fascinated by their historical context, or find them curious in other ways, because then you are already in a relationship with classical music. This is your book, as much it is mine.' Another Year of Wonder shows that, whoever you are and wherever you come from, classical music can be a soundtrack for your everyday life and a reminder that finding a space to sit and listen to a piece of music every day can be a singular gift.

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