Svetová beletria An outlaw's diary - Cécile Tormay

An outlaw's diary - Cécile Tormay

2.5 €

The writer of this book tells us that »here is no attempt to write the history of a revolution, nor is this the diary of a witness of political events.« Nevertheless the fact remains that it contains much more than the personal experiences of an actor in one of the greatest tragedies that has occurred in recent history. If it were only that, its value would still be very great, for it is so vivid and dramatic a human document, and yet its style is so simple and so completely devoid of all »frills« or straining after effect, that it will appeal as much to those who like good ,literature and a moving tale for their own sakes, as to those who desire to understand a chapter of history about which little is known, but which yet throws a flood of light upon the great world movements of to-day. (Northumberland)

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