Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda Ai Weiwei - Kolektív autorov

Ai Weiwei - Kolektív autorov

51.25 €

Ai Weiwei is not only one of the most important contemporary artists; he is also an untiring activist and critic of authoritarian systems. "Humanity" includes key works from all phases of the artist's career and examines in detail the aspect of humanity and artistic responsibility in the oeuvre of Ai Weiwei. The catalogue sheds light on concepts such as surveillance, censorship, human rights, freedom of expression, human displacement, radical responsibility, the power of beauty, and the truth of poetry. Guided by these thoughts, it offers new perspectives to understand the relevance of Ai Weiwei's artistic language. It will encompass a wide range of art-historical paradigms (such as the readymade) alongside more radical activist strategies, all aimed at exploring the extremes of the contemporary human condition on a global scale. Exhibition details: Abertina Modern, Mar 13 - June 26, 2022

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