Detektívky, trilery, horory The Whispers - Ashley Audrain

The Whispers - Ashley Audrain

18 €

The second novel from the author of THE PUSH, 2021's most explosive Sunday Times bestseller! The whispers started long before the accident on Harlow Street... Was it at the party, when Whitney screamed blue murder at her son? Or after neighbour Blair started prowling Whitney's house, uninvited? Or once Rebecca and Ben's childlessness finally puts a crack in their marriage? But on the terrible night of the accident, the whispers grow louder, more insistent. Neighbours gather round. Questions are asked. Secrets are spilled. And the gloss on everything begins to rub off. Everyone is drawn into the darkness. Because there's no smoke without fire. No friendship without envy. And no lie that does not conceal a devastating truth... The Whispers is a darkly psychological portrait of couples in crisis and families in free fall.

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