Svetová beletria The Music of Bees - Eileen Garvin

The Music of Bees - Eileen Garvin

13.78 €

To the outside world Alice, Jake and Harry have little in common. Alice is a social outsider: reclusive, middle-aged, and with only 850,000 honeybees for company. Jake, following an accident at a high school party, is grappling with life in a wheelchair and dashed dreams of music school. And Harry is an aimless twenty-four-year-old suffering from debilitating social anxiety. But when Alice nearly crashes her pick-up truck, packed with thousands of honeybees, into Jake, the last thing she expects is to find that Jake has a gift: he can hear her bees' buzzing as a form of music. And when Harry also arrives at Alice's farm, looking for work, it is the beginning of this trio's unlikely friendship. All seems right with their world - until the buzzing stops. . . Now, these friends must unite to defend their bees.

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